From "The Power of Dreams" to "The Power to Dream" - Small Change, Huge Impact

The challenge Honda faces is simply that the majority of people out in the world really don’t know what Honda stands for- especially the younger generation. 

As a team, we were challenged to develop a holistic umbrella campaign to be used in order to set the record straight. The campaign will run between April 2017- March 2018 with a budget of $150 million and an objective of establishing strong emotional connections, while differentiating the Honda brand to build greater opinion and consideration for our automobiles. 

Proprietary information is available to be discussed in personal interview.

  • Executive Summary
  • Situation Overview
  • Primary Research
  • Market Research


Reposition Honda in the hearts and minds of Americans to be an Exciting, Youthful, Innovative and Fun brand. 



Our research found that current Honda consumers value different emotional appeals in their purchasing process - happiness, comfort, confidence, and dependability. Furthermore, based on the preliminary survey findings, consumers value honesty, creativity, making a difference, and stability in ranking order when evaluating their perception of a brand. They also prefer to have an emotional connection with a brand they are making high-involvement purchases with. 


Currently, Honda’s consumers are unfamiliar with Honda’s brand identity. The aim was to move the brand perception of Honda from functional to emotional by utilizing marketing efforts to fashion a deeper bond between consumers and the Honda brand through showcasing the exciting, youthful, innovative and fun characteristics of Honda. By focusing on personal, relatable content, a positive emotional appeal was drawn from consumers. 


Honda is more than automobiles. They differentiate themselves in the industry by their continuous innovation and large product index. Their strict dedication to research and development has allowed Honda to produce an array of incredible, yet useful products. As a result of the company’s success, Honda has been able to devote extensive resources to humbly improve the environment and the communities in which they operate, thus whether the consumer knows it or not, purchasing a Honda product leads to a better future for all


The dream is personal, the power to dream is Honda.

Life is one dream and we are all part of it. What is this one dream? It’s the sum of life’s little moments; it’s the little victories we achieve each day that bring us joy and encourage us to continue on in this journey. Whether we realize it or not, Honda is there for each of these moments. When a husband races to get his wife to the hospital to deliver their first child, Honda is driving them. When a grandfather teaches the next generation the importance of hard work and reaping the fruits of your labor, Honda is powering his efforts. When the team is going all the way to the playoffs this year, Honda is there to ensure your tailgate - and your passion - never run out of energy.

Each of these moments embody the essential brand anthem of Honda. The excitement, youthfulness, innovation, and fun consumer’s experience is powered by the brand in ways that may have gone unrealized- until now. 

The dream itself - what makes life special - is unique to each person, but the desire to fulfill it is all the same across generations, cultures, all the things that try to divide us. In a time of immense instability, Honda will instill the reliability they are known for and power America needs to continue to dream.